Kissing is simply a way how two partners build a relationship in their lives. It can be an imperative moment for ones’ life too. So they rise with a problem with, “how to practice kissing? If you have not kissed before, your first kiss may feel you really excited and also unprepared. Everyone is not ready to kiss in the same way because they are comprised with different kissing styles. When you are used to kissing you’ll find a unique way to kiss your partner and express your feelings to them.

At the moment of kissing, it really needs practice in order of gaining perfection. If you really need to be a good kisser, there are some steps that you should engage into do. At present, there are many ways how you can practice kissing.

Following are some ways how you can practice kissing and finally be a perfect kisser.

Using your hands to practice kissing

1.) Placing your thumb on the top of the fingernail, make an “O” twisting your left hand.
2.) Make your right thumb be tucked on the opening place in the left hand.
3.) Now, make your mouth touch on your thumbs to practice the kissing.
4.) It’s your own choice which you can use your tongue to practice kissing in a gently manner.

kissing using hands

Using fruit to practice kissing

1.) The correct and practicable fruit should be used in order to practice kissing. The fruit you take must be soft, light and ripen. Mango, plum and apricot are some of the best.
2.) Take the fruit into your hand and hold it as if it’s in front of your lips.
3.) Next, bite a small piece of the fruit, such that it makes a hole in it.
4.) Compare the small sized bit as a mouth and try kissing.
5.) Try to kiss the fruit gently and use your tongue seldom.

kissing using a fruit

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Practice kissing with another person

1.) First step is to find a person who would like to practice a kiss with you. Because the person you admire may not like to get into an experience with you like this.
2.) A kiss starts with the aid of eye contact. An intense look that happens even without closing eyelids making your faces too near makes you understand it’s time for a kiss.
3.) Try to keep the eye contact without losing and meanwhile try to tilt your heads and make your lips apart.
4.) Make your lips stay at the right position where your upper lip is positioned between theirs and their lower lip is positioned between your lips.
This is simply a way how we can practice kissing at the beginning. Here it basically says there are even many more other techniques which you all can try when you practice it more and more.

2 main tips to follow while kissing

Time to get ready!

Preparation is one of the most important part of kissing. Kissing is not something which comes out natural always, it’s something which we should keep in practice and should keep on improving. Practicing kissing using hands, using a fruit, and practice kissing with a partner are some ways how actually you can prepare for kissing. At the beginning of the article these ways of practicing kissing were explained briefly. Try out those steps!

Kissing is really an awesome feeling which feels you really damned. For a first time kisser make sure to make yourself smell really good. Use a light lotion, body spray or a perfume with you to use at the needy time. So that it will be really helpful in dragging you a great smell. The air that comes out your mouth is also another fact that relates in preparation for kissing. Always keep the habit of brushing your teeth twice a day, and use a mouth wash daily. That would be really helpful for you to be prepared for kissing.

Have a good communication

Every person is different from one another. So don’t forget to have a good communication from one another to express your own ideas and feelings. If you don’t talk with one another you can never get to know his/her likes and dislikes. Talking or texting can make you feel awkward during the starting point of a relationship. But make sure to get practiced and start an amazing relationship bond between the partner. Don’t be afraid of kissing, this should be a fun fact for both of you inside your relationship. No one is perfect in kissing. Therefore, partners create their own kissing styles they prefer to do their best in.

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Some guidelines for kissing

We all know kissing is sometimes beneficial, but it sometimes offers you many unhealthy disadvantages too. Lip kissing and many other different kisses are related to the use of mouth and lips. So, saliva is contacted with another person to another. Viruses and Bacteria which can cause diseases through saliva is one of the main unhealthy fact occurs through kissing. It is believed that an intimate 10 second of kissing can transfer over 80 million bacteria to another.

Viruses such as colds, Hepatitis B, mononucleosis, meningitis, influenza and glandular fever are some common viruses that spread through kissing.

Tooth decay and Meningococcal are some bacteria spread through kissing.

Some people ask whether kissing can make us sick? Yes, if the person you kiss is having a cold, influenza, sore throat or any other kind of bacterial or viral disease that can surely be infected with you too. Mononucleosis which is also meant to be kissing disease is spread through saliva. This is not a dangerous disease; this is really similar to a cold or sometimes you may have sore throat. So most of the time kissing disease is non identical as we think it’s just a cold you’ve got. Muscle pains or weakness, fatigue and swollen glands are symptoms of kissing disease.

This doesn’t mean kissing is not suitable. So one way you can get sure your mouth is kissable is to keep your daily checkouts and get treatments if you are affected with a viral or bacterial disease.

The article above explains some ways to practice kissing and some guidelines to follow in kissing. Always make sure to be happy with your partner and keep kissing during every happy mood.

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