Sexually transmitted diseases are very common these days. There are various types of diseases and different consequences in each one. People tend to have a lot of different questions regarding this topic. How these illnesses may affect you? And your day-to-day lifestyle? And one of the main questions is how to interact with people with sexually transmitted diseases. It is a broad subject that cannot be covered with one article, today I’ll discuss one of the sexually transmitted diseases, Chlamydia.

What is chlamydia?

Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world. It transfers from one person to another through sexual activities between people. Chlamydia occurs due to a bacteria known as chlamydia trachomatis. It often co-infects with the disease gonorrhea. Which is also another sexually transmitted disease. Chlamydia is also known as the “Silent infection” because even though a person may have the disease, there is a lower chance of showing any external symptoms or there are no symptoms shown at all. Hence it increases the risk of transmission even more.

Symptoms of chlamydia

There are several symptoms you can observe in a person who has chlamydia. You can observe these symptoms after a few weeks of transmission of the disease in a person.

When we consider the symptoms in women,

  • Burning sensation during urination.
  • Pain during sexual activities.
  • Unusual vaginal discharge.
  • Bleeding in between periods and after engaging in sexual activities.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis.

lower abdominal pain

And In men,

  • Pain or burning sensation during urination.
  • Unusual discharge from the reproductive organ.
  • Testicular pain.
  • Urethral itching.

And some symptoms may differ according to the type of sexual activity you engaged in. Such as

  • If you engaged in oral intercourse you may have a sore throat and etc.

However, as I stated before chlamydia is less likely to show symptoms or doesn’t show symptoms at all. So there’s a slight chance these symptoms may not occur in the early stages of the illness.

Can you get chlamydia from kissing?


The simple answer is No. Chlamydia doesn’t transfer during kissing or by sharing something with a person with the disease. The main method of transmission of chlamydia is through unprotected sexual intercourse.

It transfers by vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse between two partners. And one other method of transmission is during childbirth. The infected mother can transfer the disease to the child.

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Risks of the disease.

There are few risks of having chlamydia,

As I stated before, chlamydia can be transferred during childbirth from the mother to the baby. And it can be very hazardous to the health of the newborn child. The baby can suffer from eye inflammation, commonly known as conjunctivitis. And it also results in swelling and discharge around the eye. This can be even more dangerous if the child runs to pneumonia state with a cough.

A baby suffering from conjunctivitis

And if chlamydia is kept untreated, it can be very harmful to your health.

Women with chlamydia should be treated with proper medication prescribed by the doctor. If not the infection which is in your reproductive organ can be further spread up through the cervix into the uterus and the fallopian tube. And from there to the abdominal cavity, which leads to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

And for men, untreated chlamydia can lead to swelling of the testicles and further increment of the pain and etc. In some cases, both male and female parties might have to face fertility issues.

Therefore getting proper treatments per the advice of your doctor is very important.

How to prevent the risks of chlamydia.

The only positive thing about this disease is that, unlike most sexually transmitted diseases, it’s curable and treatments can help you to completely rule out the disease. So if you are a chlamydia patient, taking proper medications as prescribed by your doctor is mandatory for the future of your life.

And there are a few other steps you can follow to be protective from contracting the virus from a diseased person.

It’s better if you have one sexual partner and to be protected at all times when you are engaging in sexual activities. Using a condom also decreases the risk of infection.

And if you are a person who got cured of chlamydia you still have the risk of infecting it again if you have sexual interactions with a diseased person. So it’s important to discuss these matters with your partner. And get them the required medical attention too.

And last but not the least, if you feel like you may have the symptoms of the disease, it’s better to get tested and rule out the possibilities.

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A word at the end.

Through the above article, I have discussed facts about chlamydia, one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. And how to interact with people with the disease, prevention methods and etc. it’s important to raise awareness about the above facts for the upliftment of a healthy society. Hope you gathered some important information through the article.

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