Kissing is a tender affection and grandparents tend to love their grandchildren. Kissing can show affection and how much you love someone. It is quite beautiful to see grandmothers kiss their grandchildren. Seeing a grandma kissing the baby on the cheeks, hands, and forehead is a beautiful site. But looking at a grandma kissing the baby on the lips is quite not pretty.
It is dangerous to kiss the baby on the lips as babies tend to get infected with a disease quickly. As well as lips can transmit diseases like colds, coughs, and more. Grandma can transmit numerous diseases to the baby when kissing the lips. A baby will feel hard to breathe if someone kisses it as babies also tend to breathe through the mouth. Therefore, it is always better to avoid kissing the babies on the lips. However, it is not good to kiss a baby on the lips so it is always better to avoid kissing the baby on the lips.

Asking the Grandma not to kiss the baby

It is quite hard to say a grandma not to kiss the baby if the grandma is very close to the baby. However, you can tell her the drawbacks of kissing a baby and how easily it can get infected when being kissed on the lips. If the grandma loves the baby she will understand you and avoid kissing the baby.
When someone is holding the baby and keep kissing it on the lips several times you may see it finding difficult to breathe. Then you can tell them and show them even if it is the baby’s grandma, definitely the person will understand it. You should have medical evidence to support you in case the grandparents don’t agree with you. As well as it is better to have medical evidence to make your point clear and not to bring any unnecessary argument. Always think about your baby’s health and make the ones around you think about it too.

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Why should we not kiss a baby?

Kissing can show the passion you have for the baby. However, kissing can hurt the baby, and kissing the baby on the lips can bring disease to it. As well as kissing the baby can hurt them if you don’t know the correct way to do it. You should avoid touching the baby with your bare hands as well as kissing them on the lips. If you don’t learn to kiss the baby properly you might make him catch a cold. Therefore, it is necessary for you to learn how to handle a baby before kissing them.

Why is it dangerous?

Babies are not vaccinated so we should take extra care of them. Kissing a baby can bring them herpes bacteria and it is usual for a baby to get cold when adults handle the with impure hands. As they don’t have enough immunity to handle this, the baby’s situation can get worse if not treated properly.

How can you avoid it?

The smell of a baby can attract them, when a baby holds your hand or hug you can feel a passion about them. As well as this can tempt you to keep kissing them, the same goes for the people who come to visit the baby or the grandparents.

Tell the facts

It is a pretty good idea to tell the grandma or people not to kiss the infant with real medical facts. Therefore, it can be easily understandable for them and you can avoid unnecessary drama.

Do not fight

Arguing or shouting in the face of someone willing to kiss a baby will be too rude. However, you can use kind words and tell them in a way they will easily understand. As well as let them know that they can kiss the baby after a few months.

Telling them before the birth of a baby

It is better to let the grandparents know before the child’s birth to limit them from touching the baby with impure hands. As well as telling people before birth can make them more understanding of the situation.

Grandparents kissing a baby

Set up standards

When grandparents couldn’t control themselves from kissing the baby we should help the setup some rules and help them avoid kissing the baby. You can also ask them to count how many times they kiss the baby. And limit it to two for a day as well as avoid kissing the baby on the lips.

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Think about the baby’s health

Always remember that a baby’s health is important and remind others around you too. Nobody ever wants to risk a baby so they will understand you and take up your standard.

Make the rule common to all

Make the no kissing rule common to all not only limited to the grandparents as this might hurt their feelings. Be aware that either the grandparents or anybody around the baby can infect the baby. So be sure about whom you let around the baby and always be aware of what is happening around it. As the baby’s health is always important.

Around sick people

Always make sure whoever carries the baby is not sick at the moment, even if it is the grandparents. As they can easily get carry the germs to the baby and get the baby sick. This is a risk for an infant as they should be taken care of in the initial stage and it is hard to cure them. Doctors always advise young mothers to take care of their babies. Therefore, they should be always aware of the doctor’s advice.

Ask for help from a doctor

It is always better to get a doctor to advise the grandma if the situation goes out of hand and they couldn’t avoid kissing the baby. The doctor will show medical proof and explain the grandparents in a way they might understand and act according to it.

Can you kiss the baby on the cheeks or head?

If you allow your parents to kiss your baby on the lips, it will increase day to day. And they might keep on kissing the baby on the lips, but in case they have a cold or sore throat they can transfer it to the kid too. However, if you warn the parents they might get mad at you. So it is better to find the places it is okay to be kissed like cheeks and head.

When can grandparents kiss a baby?

During the first weeks, the baby will be weak in his/her immune system. So you have to be very careful around them. However, throughout life, the immune system will get very stronger. Therefore, it is not safe to kiss the baby in the initial months but surely the grandparents can kiss them after a few months and show their affection.


Grandparents love their grandchildren and can’t wait to kiss them when the chance they get. However, it is not good to kiss an infant during their early stage as well as it is not at all good to kiss them on the lips. Therefore, it is always good to let your parents know it is not good to kiss the newborn infant.

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