Success simply means a person achieving a desirable or desired goal within a certain period of time. We cannot give it an exact definition because success can depend from person to person. People may decide success through the amount of wealth, education, family, etc. It differs from each person’s mindset. Success comes from hard work, persistence, sacrifices, patience, and also most importantly from failures. One can wonder, how can failure help a person to become successful?  Actually, failure has been the key to success in many people’s lives. It had become a major reason for people to achieve their desired task.

How failure is the key to success?

How failure is the key to success

First of all, let’s see what is failure. Failure is the condition in which a person becomes unable to complete the desired task.  Every person will witness some sought of failure in life. But we can make it a reason for a positive comeback. Let’s see how failure can be a key to the success of a person.

When we consider failure we all know it has a lot of bad effects.  Failure can change a person’s mindset about him/herself. When someone fails at achieving a specific target they start to doubt their capability on achieving their dream. It makes you question your own abilities and make you feel like you are not talented enough to achieve your goal. It weakens your mindset and the determination you had. Due to this you can easily get discouraged and lose sight of your success.

Like every other thing failure too, have advantages. One may wonder what are advantages we can get by failing at something. If we look through the bright side we can find many. Failure can teach us a lot of useful assets in our life.

  • Failure teaches us a lesson. It makes us understand that something in somewhere of our work was not good enough and needs more attention. It helps us to understand our mistakes and even to make our work twice as better as the first time.
  • failure enhances our creativity and broadens our thinking. It forces you to think outside the box because to succeed you need to pioneer unique solutions to your problems.
  • Failure makes us stronger. it teaches us to survive in rough situations and to cope with hardships. It makes us work even harder to achieve our dream.
  • Failure helps us to learn new things. Even though one may not have succeeded in a target they want to achieve for the first time, that person still has acquired knowledge more than when he/she had when they started.
  • Failure makes us reconsider and reanalyze the decisions we have taken. And to learn from the mistakes we have made. It shows us a key to our own success.

Like the ones that I have mentioned above, there are so much more benefits we can gain through failure. Failure boosts one’s creativity, motivation and helps us to think about our goals and make our mistakes. The more you conquer your failure successfully, then you become stronger in life.  So we can understand that we can make failure the key to our success.

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Why can’t every person find the key to their success?

Why can't everyone achieve success

When we look through the society we only see a few amounts of people who found their key to success. For a lot of people still, their goal is a dream. Why doesn’t every dream become a reality? Why do a lot of people fail in achieving their target?

Success is just a five-letter word, but there’s a deep meaning behind it and it is not easy to achieve its real meaning. Success comes towards the person who works for it. . One of the major questions people ask, is “I always stay determined to achieve my desired goals, but I end up failing. Why is it?” It’s not just the intention to achieve the goal that helps you to succeed. It’s how much effort you put into the work to achieve the goal that matters.

There can be many reasons why people have trouble succeeding in their desired goal.  Some of them are listed below.

  • People never try what they want to do in the first place.

A lot of people have creative ideas on things they want to achieve in life. But most of the time they doubt their capability of succeeding. They wish that they had the ability to achieve their dream without even trying to work for it. Basically, they fear that they would surely fail in achieving their target. So ultimately their targets just end up staying a dream. Yes, there’s a chance you might fail at your first attempt. But what you learn from the mistakes can be the key to your success in the next attempt.

  • They underestimate what it will take to be successful.

A girl struggling through work

It’s easy for someone to look at a successful person and think “I could have done that”. That’s until they have to do it themselves. Success is not something you can achieve easily. It takes a lot of hard work. A lot of people who start to work on their dreams stop after some time when things start to get hard. And meanwhile, people also want to achieve success within a short period of time. And when success doesn’t come in the way they wanted, they tend to give up on their dreams.

  • Procrastination and lack of self-discipline.

A person sleeping lazily.

Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute or past their deadline. When a person tends to delay their work and try to do it at the last moment they won’t be able to finish their work to the best of their ability. And even though you may have intentions to succeed in life if you are lack self-discipline and just work according to an unorganized schedule and possess a lazy mindset it can be a reason for failing to achieve your targets.

Mentioned above are some of the reasons why people struggle in succeeding in life. And also one of the major things we can see in these reasons is almost all of them are related to one’s personal behavior and mindset.  So we can understand that one’s success comes from oneself. We should develop our personal behavior in a way that will lead us to our goals.

How to become successful?

Achieve success

Success is not something you can gain overnight. We should work hard for it. In order to gain success, we have to make a positive mindset about it. Success always starts with you, yourself.  As I mentioned before our personal habits and behaviors have a great influence on our success rate.  There are simple habits we can practice in our life which would help us to achieve success.

  • Set clear goals.

In order to become successful one of the important things to do is set clear goals according to the success you envision. Goal setting has been proven to become a positive impact on people to work hard. Simply if we think as If you want to reach a destination, how do you get there if you don’t know where that place is? It’s the same in life, we should first have a clear idea of our goal.  Make a list of clear defined long-term and short-term goals with dated deadlines you want to achieve. And make sure to review them daily. See those goals each day gives you the motivation to work even harder.

  • Trust yourself

A lot of people tend to underestimate themselves. Rather than focusing on the chances of succeeding they think about what they would have to face if they fail at what they do. Everyone should be willing to take a risk in their life. We should develop our self-confidence, work hard and focus on the dream. A person should build up trust in his own self and always have faith in what they do.

  • Constant determination and consistency.

Normally when people start to work on their dreams they possess the required determination and a positive mindset about their work. But over time, the level of determination they had starts to decrease. Especially when someone didn’t see the results as expected they give up on their dreams. Success is not something we can obtain very easily. We should work hard for it. And sometimes even if we didn’t get the results we needed within the required time, constant practice and determination will surely get you to success one day.  So we should never give up on our dreams, each failing time we should determine to work even harder.

  • Develop self-discipline.

Self-discipline is another important path towards success. Every successful person has discipline in his/her life. It’s the main characteristic that helps them to take correct decisions in life. It’s the feature that helps you to wake up early in the morning even when you feel like you can’t.  It helps you to choose what’s best for you and work on things that are meaningful for your life.  It gives you the courage to get away from negative temptations and bring out a useful side of you.

  • Focus on the important things in life.

Focus on important things in life

If you have a dream of being successful in whatever area you want. You should give your focus to it. In each passing day, you should walk towards achieving your goal. for example, if a person dreams of having a successful business and just waste his time on things that don’t matter and being lazy. his goal will surely remain a dream. we should make sacrifices in order to achieve success and use our time and energy to work for our goals and dreams. First, we should organize our life and prioritize the things that really matter. When you focus on the important things it shows you an uninterrupted clear path towards success.

  • Do not fear failure, but learn from it.

People tend to give up on their dreams after witnessing failure for the first time. Fear of failure has been the main reason for delaying your success. A lot of people doesn’t even start working on their dream due to self-doubt. they question their own capability of succeeding without even trying. we shouldn’t be afraid of failing. Each time we fail we learn something new. Success depends on your ability to learn how and why you failed. Instead of having fear for failing, we should develop of fear of not trying. The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. So, do not fear failure but rather fear not trying. Make failure the key to your success.

  • Develop personal habits.

Develop personal habits

The personal habits of a person play a major role in one’s success. When we hear the life stories of a lot of successful people we can hear that their personal habits a quite different than an average person’s. We can develop good habits in our life that will help us to become successful. For example, Waking up early in the morning. You can start this process by waking up an hour before your normal time. Use that extra hour to read a new book related to your field of study. Try to learn something new each day. You can use this strategy for a lot of things you do in your daily life. Self-improvement is the best way to succeed.

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  • Defeat procrastination.

Procrastination can be considered as one of the major obstacles to success. People from almost all age groups procrastinate in their daily tasks. How can someone go from being a constant procrastinator to someone who actually gets their work done? There are many ways we can stop procrastination.

  1. One method is to love the work you do. When you actually like the work you’re doing and when it has a good blend with your normal life it feels much easier to get it done.
  2. Another method is to take a break in between the work. When you do work for a long period of time, it makes you exhausted and less likely to get it done to the best of your ability.  So take at least a five minutes break every twenty minutes of your work. it will help you to become more productive and efficient.
  3. One of the most efficient methods is ” Get into the flow”. When you suddenly think about a huge work you wanted to get done, you don’t feel like doing it. So first start by completing small tasks that you feel like doing. Give your mind time to warm up to begin on the bigger tasks.
  4.  Work according to a schedule. Set a specific time for your tasks according to the time required to get them done. It will help you to finish most of your work before the deadline.

Using the above methods and by using many more strategies one can overcome procrastination.

  • Maintain good health.

A girl engaging in exercises

Good health is also important for success. Having a healthy balanced diet, working out regularly, and having a good sleeping schedule can get you way ahead in your life. And also activities such as meditating once in a while, taking a walk helps you to reduce stress. By maintaining such healthy habits you can develop your self-esteem, be free from illnesses and it gives you more energy for hard work. And also it gives you better problem-solving skills and a good memory. You will be more productive and ambitious to achieve your goals.

By using the above-mentioned strategies and many others you can walk towards your own success.

Success is not something, someone can give to us. we should work hard in order to make our life a success. We hear many motivational life stories about successful people these days. None of them achieved success overnight. They have coped through hard times, years of patience, hard work, and making every failure they faced the key to their success in order to get to the place where they are now.

Even in the times, they had to face failure after failure they never gave up. If all the people who gave up at the first time failed we would never have heard about people like Thomas Alva Edison, Albert Einstein, and even some great people in modern society such as Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Bill Gates, etc. All those people are perfect examples of ones who achieved success by following the strategies mentioned above.

If all those people stopped at failure, the world wouldn’t have been filled with their success. Through their life stories, we can understand the determination they possessed. They have built a positive mindset. Even though they had failed many times they never gave up. They made their failure the key to success.

It’s true, success is not an easy journey. but when you reach your goal you will never be happier. You will be proud of yourself for what you have achieved in life. So work hard, become a better person every single day and always keep your goals in mind and make sure you reach them even with hundred obstacles ahead.

A word of encouragement.

I wanted to express the facts on how failure is the key to success and to give you an idea of how to find failure as not just a bad experience but a positive comeback. People can be successful by following certain strategies in life. It takes a lot of hard work to become a successful person. By working according to the strategies I have mentioned above and using many more methods a person can become a successful individual in society.


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